Can I Get a Virus from an Email?

One of the most common questions that computer technicians hear is “Can I get a virus from an email?” It’s an understandable question—and, unfortunately, the answer is yes. Viruses can be so destructive to your device that it’s only natural to want to keep them at bay. Unfortunately, viruses are also easy to pick up—if you don’t know how to prevent them. If you have reason to think that your device has been infected, then it’s time to visit a computer store in your area.

The best treatment is prevention, so do what you can to minimize the chances that you’ll have to deal with an infected computer. Here are some tips that will help you avoid getting email viruses on your device.

Be alert to email viruses.

One of the easiest ways to acquire unwanted malware such as viruses is through an email. It’s also one of the most common ways. Thus, you should be wary of opening emails from senders you don’t know. There are also other ways to reduce your risk of infection. Make sure that your email account’s Spam filter is active, so that you are less likely to see potentially hazardous messages in your inbox. You can also install antivirus software on your device to reduce the risk of malware. Also, be sure that you are installing all recommended updates for your computer.

View your emails in a simple text format.

It’s a good idea to make sure that you’re viewing all your emails in a simple text format. Why is this so important? If scripting is allowed in your email client, then you could potentially infect your device simply by opening an email. Even if you delete or ignore emails from unknown senders, there’s always the chance that you’ll inadvertently open the wrong message. It’s much safer to opt for a simple text format, so you can lower your risk of getting a virus from an email.

Be cautious about opening attachments.

One of the most common ways to get a virus from an email is through opening an attachment. Hence, you should be extremely wary of opening attachments unless they’re from users you already know and trust. If you see a message that looks suspicious from someone you know, don’t assume you can open it—it’s possible that this person’s account has been compromised. If you don’t want to get a virus from an email, then don’t rush to open any attachment you receive. You can also set your computer so that it automatically scans attachments for malware before downloading them. The more cautious you are, the more likely you are to be safe from viruses.

Be wary of clicking on links.

It’s also crucial to be careful about what you click on, especially if it’s from an unknown source. After all, one of the most common sources of malware is websites that have been infected. Remember that even websites that appear “safe” can be contaminated. If you click on a link that you see in an email, then it could lead you to a website that will automatically infect your computer. This is another reason to avoid opening emails from users you don’t know—because you might accidentally click on a link that will give you a virus. If you do open an email from an unknown user, make sure that you are not hovering your cursor over the body of the message.

Don’t automatically display email images.

It’s also a good idea to learn about some of the different viewing options that your email account allows. After all, some of them can help to protect you from viruses. For instance, you should set your email account so that it does not automatically display email images from unknown users. Links can be hidden in images, which makes it easier to inadvertently click on them—which can result in your computer getting infected. Thus, avoiding seeing images from users you don’t know can help you reduce your risk of picking up viruses.

If you’re concerned that your computer may have a virus, it’s time to have it checked out by an expert. That’s where Smart Parts PC comes in! We are proud to provide our Tucson customers with the quick and reliable repair services they deserve, so that their devices stay safe. Our services include data recovery, screen repair, and virus removal. Thus, if your device has been infected, you can put your trust in us. Whatever your current computer issues are, our team members will be happy to take a look. If you have any questions about the services we offer, then give us a call today at (520) 468-2320.